bad credit student loan

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Results 71-80 from 250 articles

Debt Consolidation Anyone Done This Before ?

J.K. asks from Pittsburgh

Hello Moms, I have been researching online about debt consolidation and am still confused. I have a lot of chargeoff's / credit card debt that i want to take care o...


Do You Still Balance Your *Checkbook*?

C.. asks from Columbia

Ok - so we have online banking, like everyone else. We have a consolidated loan for our credit and my student loan bills. We "try" to stick to a basic budget, when ...


Just Lost My job.....pregnant W/two Kids - NEED BUDGET CUTTING IDEAS!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I just lost my job, so our household income is now about half what it was. I am 5 months pregnant, so finding another job right now might prove challenging to say th...


He Wants to Sell Our House :/

A.B. asks from Spartanburg

Backstory: I work full time as home health RN in South Carolina. Husband is a chiropractor who just opened his own practice beginning of the year. We have 3 young dau...



M.L. asks from Houston

Could (or does) your family (of 5) live on $680 a week comfortably and build a savings? We do not qualify for any assistance. This is take home pay, after benefits an...


First Time Home Buyers, Saving up While Tithing, Stress

E.P. asks from San Antonio

My Husband and I are wanting to buy our first home. We Struggle with our finances as a team. There is so much that I would like to put into this, but this is as easy ...


I Am a College Freshman Just Done with My Second Semester, and I Just Got a C.

A.B. asks from Miami

I am a freshman just done with my second semester, and I got a C a one-credit college course. It was all my fault. I thought I would be able to replace the homework s...


Thinking of Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy- Need Advice!!

K.R. asks from Youngstown

Hello ladies- My husband and I sat last night going over our finances and we are considering filing chapter 13. We had a business that failed and also made so...


What Do People Usually Do?

Y.I. asks from Dallas

My daughter is in junior college and we are trying to plan for the junior and senior year at a regular college. What do people usually do to pay for college? She won...


In So Much Debt

C.P. asks from Memphis

I'm barely can make min. pymnt on my creditcard pymnt. I'm in soo much debt and don't know what to do. I am so depressed, anyone with any ideas that can help me get o...

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