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Results 121-130 from 250 articles

Alimony and Child Support for Sahms

S.L. asks from New York

I'm not mad, I'm not passive aggresive, I'm just thinking that if one woman reads this and gets herself a credit card in her name only I will feel I helped someone. ...


Should We Ask Our Daughter to Pay Rent?

J.J. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms: We have a 25 year old daughter who has been living at home during her senior year of college ( to help save money.. she commuted on the train downtown to s...


Desperate for Advice!

K.H. asks from Tyler

As if there isn't enough going on for me this month in the past 2 days my husband && I have both have had our cell phones && electricity turned off due to him not bei...


Car Issues

H.B. asks from Atlanta

I was just looking for advice on what to do. My husband has been driving a beater for the past year. We bought it for $1500 and knew that it had issues, but it was th...


How Did You Decide to Give up Your Career and Be a SAHM or Not?

J.M. asks from Seattle

I am a teacher and lucky enough to have a .6FTE position. This worked very well when my 6 year old was younger. My schedule was such that I had a good chunk of qual...


Political Question--smaller Government?

B.B. asks from Missoula

I read an article in the NY Times yesterday (link at bottom of post) that I found interesting. Here is an excerpt: "DON’T take at face value the claims that Ame...


Hard Working Moms Critisized

C.Z. asks from Sioux City

i have been on both sides of this spectrum. I have been a stay at home mom and also a working mom. One thing I do not understand is why are moms who work critisized? ...


How Do They Do It?

J.P. asks from Boise

I have asked this question of some friends before, but everything was vague, so I am hoping that since this site is a bit more anonymous, that I might get some candid...


Need Some Advice

N.N. asks from Corpus Christi

I am a married woman to a good providing husband. Whatever I need for me or for the kids he finds a way to get us. However, my schedule is really busy all the time. W...


Getting Ahead, and Getting Hubby Involved

J.V. asks from Chicago

I'm at a loss. I am usually really good at creating financial plans that we can meet, but in the last few years, with stagnating salaries, etc. we just aren't making ...

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