baby gas drops

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Results 71-80 from 2,299 articles

Need Advice on Baby with Lots of Gas

M.M. asks from Houston

My 3 month old daughter seems to be having a large amount of gas and gas pains, especially at night. I think she might sleep through the night if it weren't for the ...


Newborn's and Gas Problem

K.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I was wondering if anyone else has or had a problem with their newborn and gas. I formla feed (using similac advanced with iron) and it seems like Madison has horrib...


Breastfeeding Diet - What Causes Gas?

S.F. asks from Utica

My daughter is just a few days shy of 1 month old and has had pretty bad gas since birth. She is exclusivly breastfed and that is going great but she seems to have g...


Teething and Gas Pains?

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 month old is cutting two lower front teeth and suddenly her gas is back at the same time? Could this be because of the way the teeth affect her drinking? Maybe s...


How Do You Know When Baby Is Having Gas Pain and Needs Help?

W.A. asks from Honolulu

I just took my 10 week old in for a check up 2 days ago and he passed with f;ying colors and was perfectly healthy. Yet yesterday and today I notice about and hour to...


Bottles to Relieve Gas?

S.S. asks from Portland

Hello, I am thinking of trying some different bottles to relieve what I think is gas in my 1 month old. We are currently using the Playtex bottles with the drop in ...


Breast Fed Baby W/stinky Gas and Poop

N.B. asks from Austin

I have a 9 week old baby and she is breastfed. At about five weeks she started showing signs of colic. Unconsolable screaming until 2am. I cut out dairy, all dairy, i...


Gas Pain & Fussiness

L.T. asks from Omaha

My 9 week old son has had tummy problems since birth. I stopped nursing at 5 weeks due to major gas issues based on what I was eating (I even tried only eating lettu...


Newborn Gas and Grunting

K.D. asks from Austin

My newborn daughter suffers from painful gas more often than my first child did. She is healthy and gaining weight like she should but she take to the breast and the...


Acid Reflux and Gas

K.L. asks from St. Louis

Hello! My six week daughter is not only suffering from acid reflux but really bad gas as well. Her pediatrician has prescribed her Pepcid twice daily and Mylanta ...

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Answer Highlights

  • bliss gripe water in 2 answers "... recommended (he was a preemie) and then we started the Baby Bliss Gripe Water ..."
  • his knees to his chest in 2 answers "I tried the recommendation for bending his knees to his chest but it never worked ..."
  • artificial sweeteners in 3 answers "I would suggest not drinking it and see what happens. Artificial sweeteners can really ..."
  • had really bad gas in 2 answers "My son had really bad gas when he was an infant."
  • tried gripe water in 2 answers "Anyway I tried Gripe Water by Wellements and it was wonderful....expensive, but wonderful!"