I am a nursing mom, but decided to introduce 2 to 4 oz of formula a day, so I can get a good milk supply and go back to work. My question is that, is it safe to mix t...
I tried breast feeding my neborn son, when this did not work I began formula feeding him. He did great with Similac Advanced with Iron. Now he is on WIC and they us...
My baby is 4 months old now and had been mostly breast fed. She was drinking 1 bottle of formula since she was 3 weeks old and is now up to 3 bottles. I was hoping ...
My daughter has been on the same formula part time birth to 3 months and full time since. She has never had a problem with it before. About 2 weeks ago she got a st...
My daughter is 8 weeks old. I have been breast feeding and supplementing about 6 oz of formula a day. I am using Similac because Enfamil she threw up immediately af...
hey ladies, another question for you! lol. whats the average intake of formula for an almost 9 month old (she'll be 9 months on the 4th of july) lately she hasn't bee...
Hi, my 2 1/2 month old son was feed 4oz of formula today. I breastfeed exclusivly, but had leave for a few hours for an event. He now has a rash along his jaw (checks...
My 1 year old was on Similace with soy for the first 7 months of his life, he was diagnoses with refux also, so he threw up alot. When he was 7 months old the dr. su...
My 4 1/2 mo old daughter has an exczema like rash that comes and goes. My husband too her to the Dr. for her 4 mo checkup & asked him about it. Dr. said it coul...
What have you all found gets out formula stains?
I've tried putting Shout on the stain before I throw it in the basket which works sometimes. I've used bleach f...