My grandson is almost 3. He is potty trained to urinate in the toilet, but he WILL NOT have a bowel movement in the toilet!! My daughter has tried every method that...
My 14 year old son called me a few days ago and asked me how I felt about his dad (my ex) taking him some where remote to teach him how to ride a motorcycle. I was s...
Often times kids on the spectrum can have an almost obsessive love with something in sons love is for "letters" as in the alphabet...we have magnetic ...
I have seen a lot of folks talking about the economy and saving money. What do you guys do? I shop on my own web portal of course to earn cash back and commissions ...
i'm looking for some good, educational gift ideas for my son this year. he's 3 years old and loves cars, trucks, dinosaurs, sports and the like, but i'm hoping to exp...
OK so I feel like the sports and cars theme is too overdone. I'm iffy on the solar system and space. Our toddler is too young to really have an interest in much of ...
My son will be a year old at the beginning of May. I want to have a birthday party for him outside at my home with family and friends.. We have plenty of outside room...
Hi Mamas! I find myself in need of a new couch and a new vehicle. With the twins coming, I don't have a lot of money to spend on a new couch, but we are in desperat...
It is time to replace my son's rear-facing seat with one that is forward facing due to his meeting the weight and age maximum. I know it is better to keep children ...