ants in the sink

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How Do I Get the Gnats to Go Away?!! Apple Cider & Vacuum Cleaner Problems...

J.K. asks from Denver

My kids left a soft sided lunch box FILLED with food (from a plane trip) sitting, unpacked for almost 2 weeks. (They flew back ahead of me & my ex didn't check the b...


Cleaning Baby Toys

C.M. asks from Charleston

Hi Mamas! What do you use to clean off your babies toys, carseat etc.? We just had relatives here with kids with colds, and of course we all got their colds. I h...


Help! I'm Losing the Battle Against Fruit Flies!

M.S. asks from Minneapolis

How can I get rid of them??



F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Our DS is thrilled to juice lemons and to make, butter and spread jam on toast. Any other ideas for cooking with a three year old? I understand the...


Help with Gnats

D.R. asks from Kansas City

Can anyone suggest a solution to get rid of gnats? No, I don't have fresh fruit sitting around. I have tried several different remedies and nothing seems to work.


Sick of This Rain, Need Indoor Activities for a 29 Month Old

L.W. asks from Cincinnati

Hi ladies ARRRGG I hate all of these rainy days. I normally do not mind as long as I have 1 weekend day where I can be outside. It also doesnt help that daddy works...


Roaches,spiders Trying to Get Ridof Them?

T.P. asks from Waco

i been living at my house for about 3yrs. now and still can not get rid of the roaches,spiders they were here i moved in . i need help????? please


Safe Cleaning Products

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I want to start using cleaning products that have less chemicals and are safe for the kids. There are many brands at the health store, some are expensive. Did any o...


Jff What New Thing Did You Discover Lately?

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I tried a recipe for cleaning my tub that worked fantastic just dawn dish soap and vinegar. It worked ten times better than bleach and a million times bette...


Where Do You Keep You Potatoes and Onions?

D.H. asks from Houston

I have heard that keeping onions and potatoes out can attract bugs - however, have also heard that you shouldn't keep them in the fridge? Just wondering where everybo...

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