ants in the sink

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Results 61-70 from 126 articles

Green Cleaning Service & Bug Service

A.A. asks from Dallas

Can anyone recommend a "Green" cleaning service? I love getting a maid service but do not like the chemical smell after the job is done. Also a bug terminator also t...



S.J. asks from Charlottesville

I feel like I am under siege at home! Gnats seem to be taking over my house. I've elminated anything that might attract them and they keep coming. How do I get rid...


Dry Erase Marker on My Wall

T.B. asks from Dover

My son got a hold of a Dry Erase Marker and got some on the wall. Any advice on how to get it off without damaging the paint. I've tried the Magic Eraser and it onl...



C.A. asks from Dallas

Help! Found a gecko in my house last night (so then I couldn't sleep What can I do to get rid of them, any suggestions?


Are You Overwhelmed by Your Dishes? Are You Your Own Worst Enemy.

K.K. asks from Dallas

I am. Procrastinators unite! I feel so overwhelmed by my dishes. Now I pretty much cook three times a day. I use lunch time to make myself foods that no one els...


Do You Eat Food Prepared in Other People's Homes?

T.V. asks from New York

I'm not talking about your girlfriend you've known since the 2nd grade. I'm talking about "pot luck Tuesdays" at work. I used to, but I stopped long ago. I remem...


Does Anyone Know What I Legally Can Do?

C.A. asks from Las Vegas

Hi, I have a major problem with where I live. Back in May, my husband and I moved into these apartments that were close to my parents and in a very good area, so it ...


Putting Things Away & Keeping Own Room Tidy

M.A. asks from San Francisco

I have three, aged 10, 8 and 6. They, like many kids I guess, leave things around instead of putting them where they belong. A sweatshirt is left on the living room...


Entertaining a 13 Month Old

M.T. asks from New York

Now that my daughter is down to one nap a day I am finding it harder to keep her entertained. Sometimes she can entertain herself but with that comes getting into th...


A Strange Bad Odor in House?????

V.B. asks from Dallas

We have a new house about a year old now. All the house is not being used all the time like the upstair and part of the downstairs. Once in awhile I smell somethin...

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Answer Highlights

  • gotten food poisoning in 2 answers "I don't wash chicken and no one has ever gotten food poisoning from my chicken."
  • used eco safe in 2 answers "We've used Eco-Safe for a couple of years now."
  • bon appetit in 2 answers "... do something enjoyable with the promise you'll oh, do them later! Bon Appetit!"
  • eat food that other people in 2 answers "I do eat food that other people have prepared."
  • dont wash chicken in 3 answers "... worry about whether their cats get on the counters. I don't wash chicken ..."