ants in the sink

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What to Do About a Husband Who Is a Slob?

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Is Anyone Elses House Just Permanently Trashed?

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I Think I've Lost It...

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Help! My Five Year Old Boy Is Driving Me Crazy!

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Creepy Crawly Horribleness

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Bugs Due to Heat?

C.R. asks from San Diego

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Do It Yourself Pest Control?

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Solution to Garbage Can Maggots

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Answer Highlights

  • get some paper plates in 2 answers "P.S. GET SOME PAPER PLATES! I know they are horrible for the environment, etc ..."
  • boric acid in 4 answers "... but you can completely get rid of them this way, I know, I did. Boric acid ..."
  • use paper plates in 2 answers "... they are horrible for the environment, etc., but you need to use paper plates ..."
  • dress up clothes in 6 answers "Get her a big trunk of dress up clothes that don't need to be washed when she plays ..."
  • pick your battles in 2 answers "Teach her boundaries. Pick your battles... teach her how to make decisions and problem ..."