allergy medicine for 5 year old

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Results 71-80 from 2,623 articles

Have Allergy Shots Helped with Dog Allergies?

D.B. asks from Chicago

My son is begging for a dog, but he and I are both allergic. Allergist suggested allergy shots, but I am wondering how effective they are. Is anyone living symptom-fr...


6 Yr Old STILL Coughing, Is It an Allergy?

D.B. asks from Dallas

What are reasons my son could (still) be coughing?? What are natural remedies and ways to prevent coughing?? My son is 6 1/2 yrs old. He has a cough that just won't g...


What Allergy Medications Are Safe for My 2Yr Old?

A.C. asks from Dallas

I have a wonderful, happy, smart 2 and half yr. old who has neverending allergies. I used to be able to take her off of medicine for the winter, but now she has a hor...


Allergy Shots for 7 Yr. Old Son?

T.W. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Moms! Do any of you have any experience -- good or bad -- with having your child receive weekly allergy shots? My husband and I are on the fence with this because ...


Giving a Preschooler Daily Allergy Medication

D.B. asks from Dallas

My Doctor has prescribed my son (who will turn 2 in 2 days) Zyrtec to take daily. have other moms had good experiences with their preschool kids on Zyrtec? My son ha...


Allergy Shots-need Info

C.T. asks from Dallas

My 7 year old son has suffered with seasonal allergies most of his life. He, also, has allergy induced asthma. After countless medicines(Singulair, Flovent, Veramyst,...


Is This Normal for a 5 Year Old?

A.D. asks from Seattle

My son who is 5 repeats things alot. If he is excited about something (i.e., carwash), he will keep asking about it and repeating what I said 10 times a day or more. ...


5 Year Old with Worsening Behavior

D.B. asks from Killeen

I am open to hearing anyone's advice. I have a 5 year old boy who has recently started "acting out" in school. He does his work (sometimes not to the best of his abil...


I'm at Lost with How to Discipline My 5 Year Old Son

A.B. asks from New York

I am looking for any advice from a mom who is having a tough time getting through to a five year old boy. My son is 5 and started kindergarten in Sept. He has alrea...


Peanut Allergy

P.N. asks from Tampa

My son is 2. He has eaten peanut butter and peanut butter products for over a year now. Last night, I gave him peanut butter on an English Muffin. Like many kids, ...

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Answer Highlights

  • post nasal drip in 2 answers "He said the cough was from constant post nasal drip from the enflamed adenoids."
  • allergy shots when i was a kid in 2 answers "T., I personally had allergy shots when I was a kid and they really helped."
  • pulling up his pants in 2 answers "... repeat things over and over my daughter does that but the pulling up his pants ..."
  • healthier than peanut in 2 answers "... to tree nuts, almond butter is delicious (and probably healthier than peanut ..."
  • try the peanut butter in 2 answers "I would take him to the ped and try the peanut butter there if I were going to try ..."