allergy medicine for 5 year old

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Colic Hour for 5 Month Old?

L.M. asks from San Francisco

Just curious if it is abnormal to suffer colic hour with a 5 month old. Our daughter has been to the doctor a million times trying to figure out why she is so fussy. ...


5 Year Old Failed His Hearing Test??

R.D. asks from New York

Hi, I took my 5 yr old to the pediatrician today to get a well check. He failed his hearing test! Not the kind that they raise their hand when they hear a beep, the ...


5-Year Old with Eczema?

D.G. asks from Buffalo

My little guy has battled eczema every winter since he was 2. However, it continues to get worse each year and has become so difficult to keep under control. We eve...


Confused About Allergy Treatment. Clarinex for My 3 Year Old?

C.M. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, My 3 year old daughter suffers from multiple food and pet allergies, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. I am confused about how I can help her. She has been see...


What Medicine Can You Give a 10 Month Old with Seasonal Allergies?

J.D. asks from Sioux City

It seems like my son has seasonal allergies and I'm not sure what I can do to make him more comfortable. The doctor's office said to give him a 1/4 tsp of children's...


5 Year Old Insomniac

C.W. asks from Joplin

This is just a general question to see what y'all would do in the same situation. My niece is five and a little insomniac. She's ALWAYS had trouble sleeping. I was th...


Difficult 5 Year Old Boy

L.N. asks from Chicago

I have a little boy who will be 6 in May (and an 8 year old and almost 2 year old girls) who we all love and adore. The problem is he "hates" everything. He says he...


Kidneys, Allergy Problems or What I Don't Know

D.J. asks from Los Angeles

Hello all, I'll try to make this make sense. My 6-year-old daughter has had issues since she was 2. It started w/blood in her urine almost constantly. We did all s...


5 Year Old with Itchy Eyes (Seasonal Allergies) Looking for Relief

T.F. asks from San Francisco

My 5 year old has Seasonal Allergies and her eyes are really bothering her. This isn't unexpected as this happened the last few years but I'm concerned about the int...


5 Yr Old Boy with "Sensitivity" Issues

A.J. asks from Stationed Overseas

My son is 5 & has been extremely sensitive lately. He is my 1st child so not sure if this is something that usually happens around this age or if I should have his d...

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