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A.K. asks from Dallas

I would love to head from anyone that homeschools their elementary age children. What made you decide? How is it going? Negatives and positives that you have experi...


What Are Your Opinions on Childhood Competition?

A.G. asks from Houston

Im having a debate with a friend. i believe that not every child should be a 1st place winner when competing in school. There is a trend towards rewards being the sam...


Bitten at Daycare!!

M.C. asks from Hartford

Let me first start out by saying I love my son's daycare. We searched for a long time to find the right place for him and pay a significat amount of money ($1250 / mo...


Info Needed on Sleep

I.W. asks from Chicago

Hello, I recently moved my 3-1/2 year old twins to toddler beds and they are having a hard time adjusting. They are waking up at night and coming to our room for c...


When to Start Preschool and Where

S.R. asks from Seattle

My daughter just turned 3 a few days ago, at what age do kids usually start preschool? And is headstart the same thing, for younger kids or what? We can't afford much...


Naughty Neighbors

R.P. asks from Minneapolis

My son is five and we live across the street from a brother and sister who are 6 & 9. They're sweet kids, but they're in the primary care of their grandmother who, wh...


AHG Never Heard of It Before

L.M. asks from Cleveland

I"ve had my DD in GS for 2 years and just found out that my neice who is a year older than my dd has joined this American Heritage Girls group in her town. I've trie...


ADT Security System Questions

S.H. asks from Green Bay

Hello, We are considering having a security system installed in our home. Security systems are not common in our area, I actually don't know anyone with one. We ...


Travelling in San Francisco with a Toddler (2Yo) and an Infant (2Mo Old)

M.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, moms! My family is taking a vacation in SF over the weekend and I need some advice on getting around. I'll be travelling with my 2-year-old and my 2-month-old ...


Grrr...why Is Everything So Darn Complicated! Follow up to Earlier Daycare ?

H.M. asks from Denver

So - I went back to the school to pick up my daughter today and I had told the director that morning I was interested in bringing my daughter on for 2 full days/3 hal...

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