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Results 131-140 from 1,481 articles

Letting a Baby Cry

A.B. asks from Milwaukee

I recently posted something else about my four month old not sleeping through the night anymore. I got a lot of useful replies. I did notice alot of diferance between...


Aging! WOOOOP!

E.D. asks from Seattle

My mama is such a babe! Her 59th birthday is coming up and I am thinking a lot about my history, her history, her mom's history and so on and so forth. My mom bec...


Mamas - What Movies Do You Let Your JUST Turned 3 Year Olds Watch?

M.I. asks from New York

Hey mamas. Just trying to see what movies you let your little kiddos watch. I'm not huge into putting on movies bc my son is usually running around, playing train...


Dangers of a Two Story Home

J.J. asks from Dallas

OK, maybe I am over-reacting, but recently I have been getting very nervous because my toddler is a climber, as I am sure most are. His playroom and bedroom are both...


Kindergarten Style Opinions

A.J. asks from Williamsport

Ok, I'm putting question back since I'm getting great answers. Recap, we are trying to homeschool my oldest for kindergarten with international friend's kids' curr...


How Did You Know You Were Done Having Kids?

A.D. asks from Norfolk

How many kids do you have and are you done having them? How did you know you were completely done having children? My husband and I are about to make a huge decisio...


3 Yr Old with ADHD?

M.J. asks from Houston

My 3 yr old is like no other child you will ever meet. He goes above and beyond your typical hyper toddler. He does things that can hurt himself seriously and he does...


Daughter, Almost 5, Is Terrified of Swimming Lessons

M.B. asks from Pittsburgh

Do I keep my daughter in swimming lessons despite her enormous anxiety and tantruming fear in the pool? This is what has me up at 3 AM this morning! A little backgrou...


Born Pretty Essay

J.C. asks from New York

Has anyone read the Born Pretty essay that appears on the home page? I feel her pain about aging but I have to say, she is definitely one of those women who was a mea...


Need a Good Vet

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

My cat is 15 years old. She has been loosing hair, and for the last few months, has been throwing up every single day. I have tried to switch her food and just nothin...

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