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Results 91-100 from 1,481 articles

How Much to Pay Babysitter in Eagan??

K.M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi, we are in a new neighborhood with a lot of young girls (12-13) that have just received their child care certificates. We have never had a babysitter before that ...


4 Month Old Eating Too Much?

S.K. asks from Lansing

Hi Moms, My daughter, who is 16 weeks old weighs about 12 pounds. I know this is average for her age group. Anyway, she's eating 6 ounces of formula every 2 1/2 to...


JFF - Have Your Kids Watched "A Christmas Story?"

B.K. asks from Boston

We were visiting family and on Christmas Eve the TV station TBS played this movie non stop. I love the movie - laugh every year I watch it. However, my bonus son, w...


Early Puberty?... Should I Be Concerned?

M.H. asks from Pine Bluff

I am concerned that my 6 year old daughter may be hitting puberty early. She has been having to wear deoderant for the past 3 or 4 months because she has developed ad...


Bossy Step-Daughter

A.P. asks from Austin

Thanks for all the wonderful advice so far. I guess I feel I should give further details just by some of the inputs. I too worry that she feels she is being repla...


Gay Pride

L.U. asks from Seattle

Hi moms. So, again my family is at my house, and again I hear something about how I take my children to gay pride parades. I grew up in an EXTREMELY right winged, b...


Dealing with Negative Husband

J.S. asks from Houston

My daughter is in kindergarten this year. She attends public school, much against what my husband would like. He would like me to homeschool, but after doing that for...


Is This OK with You or Am I Being Too Strict?

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

If a child comes to your house for a play date do you think it is OK to turn that child over to some one else to watch without discussing it with the parent? This ...


The Princess Bride

J.T. asks from New York

This is one of my favorite movies / books. I have been telling from memory the story to my daughter 4 1/2 and she loves it. I am trying my darndest to remember if...


What Would You Do If You Were in My Shoes??

C.R. asks from Kansas City

My peditrician has referred us to an endocrinologist for my oldest daughter. First they had us do a bone age test which showed her bones to be 8 years and 2 months, a...

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Answer Highlights

  • glow of electric sex in 2 answers "... treats the mom awful, and I'm not prepared to explain " The glow of electric sex ""
  • hair under her arms in 3 answers "... but I have a neice that is almost 3 and she already has hair under her arms ..."
  • trust their judgement in 2 answers "... to go to anyone's house without me that I don't feel I can trust their judgement."
  • william goldmans in 2 answers "The book has a lot of digressions about William Goldman's work in Hollywood, his personal ..."
  • princess bride in 4 answers "I love The Princess Bride too :)"