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Absent Husband

C.T. asks from Phoenix

I have tried so hard not to be a nag about this but just can't shake the irritation any longer! Help me to understand him please. Let me set things up for you. ...


HELP! Soccer Scheduling Conflict!

T.M. asks from Tampa

I signed my 3 and 5 year old children up back in August to start Soccer in December. This is with an independent sports company...not a school or recreation center. ...


Sports Teams

M.B. asks from Washington DC

ANYone have a third grader that hasn't been involved in a sport ever? I have yet to meet one! LOL. My third grade daughter hasn't, though:) She has done ballet...


Recreational Activities for Preschool Boy

M.E. asks from Chicago

I have a soon to be 5 year old boy who is very active at home, but quite shy around others. We've had him in classes at the library and park district since he was an ...


Gruff Coach Ruining Team Practice

S.J. asks from Des Moines

My daughter is on a gymnastics team and they recently changed their days of practice so she is now practicing with another group and they have another coach who split...


Space Cadet Sports Player

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 year old daughter swears she "wants" to play softball but once she gets out there she seems like she has no interest in paying attention. It is like she thinks ...


Would This Be Ok to Do for My Sons Football Team

P.S. asks from Chicago

My son started football today and it was an absolute blast. He is only four the team is 3-5 year olds and he's the smallest so he was a bit intimidated and he's alrea...


Wedding Attire Question

L.H. asks from Abilene

We have a wedding to attend in North Carolina end of October. My daughter is a brides maid. Her clothing is taken care of but I'm trying to decide for the rest of us ...


Skimpy All Star Cheerleader Uniforms

C.M. asks from Chicago

I'm a new coach of an All Star Cheerleading Squad. The uniform trend for All Star Cheer Squads are a half-top that shows the belly and a skimpy, tight stretchy cheer ...


Mean Coach or Am I Just Being Too Sensitive???

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 y/o son plays soccer. He did not play the first two Saturday games. First game was cancelled due to rain and the second he had the flu. This is my son’s 3rd...

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Answer Highlights

  • seen a denim blazer in 2 answers "I don't believe I have seen a denim blazer since the 70s and I am ok with that."
  • been brought to the head coach in 2 answers "You mention that complaints have been brought to the head coach, but have you talked ..."
  • knee length dress in 2 answers "I would wear a knee length dress."
  • button down shirt in 3 answers "... be too casual if they are going for a more formal look. A button down shirt ..."
  • nice dress shirt in 2 answers "I really think just a nice dress shirt would be enough."