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Results 161-170 from 4,673 articles

Why the Rush?

E.R. asks from Chicago

I have noticed a lot of parents in my area (and on Mamasource) really pushing their kids to do things SO early. Like sports, classes, even potty training! It seems ...


Do I Let Her Quit

D.M. asks from Dallas

My daughter is a very active 14 yo, great grades, a high school swimmer and a dancer. We have a family policy that everyone competes in something - her "something" u...


My Dad Needs a Hobby

N.D. asks from Portland

My dad is in his mid-60s and lucky enough to be retired so he has a lot of time on his hands. He plays a sport every day for an hour or two but that still leaves a lo...


Are My Kids NOT Involved in Enough Activites?

C.T. asks from Indianapolis

Might seem like an odd request as so many people around me seem to have their children in many activities, but I worry that i don't have my 5 & 8 yr old girls in more...


Teenage Son Is a Loner

J.N. asks from Chicago

Hi, my son is 16, tall, handsome, seemingly happy, but a loner. He used to be very outgoing and had a lot of friends in elementary school, sort of the class clown bu...


My Daughter Humiliated My Husband in the Gym This Week - What Do I Do?

S.K. asks from Dallas

My husband is marathon-running, small statured husband runs regularly at a gym. This week, our 15 year old daughter asked to go with him using a guest pass. Our daugh...


Football, Head Injuries, and a 4.4 Million Dollar lawsuit...won.

L.U. asks from Seattle

I think that most people understand that football involves a risk of head injuries, yet people continue to play. There are helmets worn to "help" with the fact that ...


Trying to Boost My 5 Yr. Old Daughter's Self Esteem.

N.C. asks from Las Vegas

Hi I'm having a little problem with my daughter and her class mates at school. They keep telling her they don't want to be her friend, because she doesn't have teeth ...


How Much Is Too Much?

E.D. asks from Seattle

Up until now, my kids (3 and 4) haven't had formal sports activities. I've just enrolled my little one in gymnastics (her first class was today and she is in love) a...


Feel like a Housekeeper & Maid in My Household W/no Help or Appreciation

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

I do everything in our household: laundry, dishes, cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, cooking etc. As I'm a SAHM to our youngster, I don't mind but is it wrong to exp...

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