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Results 101-110 from 4,673 articles

Teen with "Something" Missing, but Unable to Identify What That Something Is

L.R. asks from Philadelphia

Hello Fellow Moms... I am desperately looking for some advice and/or possible solutions. I will try to be as brief as possible.. Our son is 16 soon to be 17, a Junio...


Daughter and Quiting Sports ?????

K.S. asks from Boston

my 12 yr old is a competivie figure skater. she has been skating for about 4 yrs. Iknow she could be really good, yet I dont see the passion and excitment she had a w...



M.M. asks from Boston

Does anyone have any advice for me? My 2 1/2 year old screams at the top of his lungs, for sport. He is otherwise completely calm - it isn't a temper tantrum. He j...


Baseball Game for a Boy Just Turning 5 ?

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Ladies: We are thinking about taking our son, who just turned 5 to a baseball game. We aren't sport-watchers at home so he really has had no exposure to the game...


7 Year Old Won't Try Any Activities at All

E.T. asks from Los Angeles

My 7 son is adverse to trying any kind of activity. I didn't want to force him into too many activities too young and now he won't try any. He is not over scheduled a...


6 Year Old Not into Sports--throw in the Towel??

M.N. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 year old wonderful, bright, outgoing, creative little boy. I've signed him up for soccer a couple of times, basketball and t ball over the last few years t...


Question About Seeing a Chiropractor

A.W. asks from Dayton

Hey there, two weeks ago my daughter was knocked around in a soccer game and hurt her lower back. She was treating it with advil/heat/stretching/ice and sitting out s...


Car Seat Reccomendations

S.F. asks from Chicago

hello ladies, i am looking for some advice on a new car seat. My almost 5 month old is growing out of her infant carseat carrier and i need to get a new one. With m...


Sports or Sex for Your Man? (Different Question)

P.S. asks from Houston

If your man had to chose, would he rather watch his most favorite team in a championship game OR have spend a whole night having sex (with you of course!)? I know ...


Are Party Favors Really Necessary?

M.G. asks from Washington DC

I'm wondering about the etiquette of party favors, for kids parties in particular, but for other gatherings as well. As we're all trying to be more green, less wastef...

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Answer Highlights

  • local ice cream shop in 2 answers "... really thought they were neat), $2-3 gift cards to the local ice cream shop."
  • being a spoil sport in 4 answers "I don't think you are being a spoil sport."
  • minor league games in 3 answers "... much less expensive and the games are still entertaining. Minor league games ..."
  • up for cub scouts in 2 answers "... the coach, teacher etc)." I would suggest signing your son up for Cub Scouts."
  • walk around the stadium in 2 answers "If you do go and he gets bored, take a walk around the stadium."