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Results 91-100 from 4,673 articles

Sports Make Kids Smarter and More Likely to Succeed?

L.D. asks from Los Angeles

That’s what all my family, friends and neighbors say. Here’s my dilemma. My 13 y/o daughter has been in some kind of team sport from swimming to soccer to bask...


Muscle Stretching Question for Parents with Kids in Sports or with Disability.

M.M. asks from Chicago

My 5 y/o son is training in a sport 3xweek with competitions looming close. According to his coach he needs to do stretching exercises for his back, hips, chest. He d...


Flag Football Vs. Tackle Football SWH ADDED!

E.S. asks from Phoenix

Hello! My boy is 9. He wants to play on a football team this fall. Dad and I said "Okay." Dad and I submitted his spot this afternoon for flag football. We told him. ...


Physical Activity for Kid Who Does Not like Sports

C.T. asks from Santa Fe

My son (10) does not like team sports or any sport where he feels judged by other kids. He has tried quite a few different sporty activities (soccer, gymnastics, swim...


Please Recommend a Grrrrrreat Double Jogging Stroller

G.P. asks from Minneapolis

We need a great double jog stroller--what is your favorite? We have seen great reviews of the BOB Ironman so anyone who has experience with that one, please tell us t...


Junior Varsity and Odds of Making the Team

S.H. asks from Santa Barbara

I went to a really small HS school and it seems like everyone would be able to participate on a team. Many Varsity teams were competitive and some VJ teams did well t...


OPINION POLL: CHEERLEADING - Would You Let Your Child Train for Cheerleading?

D.C. asks from Dallas

hello moms, Some background - my daughter's preK friend is cheerleading with PRIDE and loves it. I thought it was just another sport - kind of advanced gymnastic...


Need Advice from Mom's with a Young Child Who Wears Eyeglasses.

J.L. asks from Detroit

Hi Ladies. My almost 4 yr old son just started wearing glasses for farsightedness (strong prescription). So far he is pretty good about leaving them on. I may be g...


Teaching Son to Play Sports

J.H. asks from Philadelphia

My husband has been trying to teach our almost 6 yr old to play hockey. He's been taking skating lessons for almost a year and my husband is trying to teach him off t...


What Kind of Kids Shoes Do You Buy? (2 Questions)

T.L. asks from St. Louis

Do you buy your kids expensive Nike, etc... shoes or just tennis shoes from K-Mart, Target, or Wal-Mart? Also, being a parent who grew up playing sports and alway...

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Answer Highlights

  • shatter proof lenses in 2 answers "I believe that even shatter proof lenses can break and that frames can cut if they ..."
  • sounds like she knows what she wants in 2 answers "Your daughter sounds so responsible and sounds like she knows what she wants."
  • play flag football in 2 answers "I wouldn't force him to play flag football if he doesn't want to."
  • sounds like a great kid in 2 answers "everyone's opinion". She sounds like a great kid who knows her limits and knows what ..."
  • stride rite in 5 answers "The only downside is I still have to drag them to Stride Rite to make sure I'm buying ..."