Has anyone had to use a helmet with their child because of a flat head? My son is almost 6 months old and the back of his head is pretty flat. I have gotten rid of ...
My 7 month old scratches her head and gently hits her head with an open hand while she's eating and/or playing. I've heard of self-stimulation but I don't know if th...
I have been singing "Push It" in my head all day at work! That song never fails to put me in a good mood.
So how about everyone else? What are you singing to yours...
Specifically, last night I was thinking about asking what old TV catch phrases you all remember. The one that kept going through my head was "Sit, Ubu, sit! Good do...
Hi, my 22-month old has a problem with head-butting objects. Its usually when he gets upset. He'll start screaming and then start head-butting whatever's around, ie: ...
My 3-yr-old nephew doesn't like having water poured on his head during bathtime and screams intensly when it's time to wash his hair. This has been going on since he ...
my 2 month old babies pediatrician told me that the back of her head is getting too flat because i lay her on her back too much and that she may need some belly time,...
I've slowly watched my 4 month old's head change shape and I am starting to get really really worried. I have a Dr. app. for him in 3 days but I am going crazy with w...
I need some reassurance that my 4 1/2 month old's head is going to round out. I have never seen such a flat head! He's spending more time in his exersaucer and has ...
If my baby is tall (88% for height, which is the lowest that he's measured) is it ok for his head circumference to lmeasure in the 99%? He's always measured with a bi...