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Results 171-180 from 299 articles

Loosing the Baby Fat....

R.G. asks from Los Angeles

I had to have a C-section and it seems am having a hard time loosing my pooch = ( i eat pretty sensible, fruits , veggies etc.. i dont have ALOT of time to work out s...


Gaining Weight in Stomach

G.G. asks from Chicago

oh, I am in my mid 40's and over the last year, I am getting a terrible gut. Someone just asked me if I was pregnant, What is your best tummy secrets, exercise etc...


Getting Rid of Mommy Tummy!!!!!!!!!!!

K.C. asks from Washington DC

I had a c-section almost 5 months ago. I wanted to find out some tips. How to get rid of my mommy tummy?


Tummy Sore 10 Months After Birth?

L.Q. asks from Chicago

Please, I hope someone can give me some ideas of what this could be... My tummy is still sore 10 months after having my daughter. It doesn't hurt as I do simple tasks...



K.H. asks from Houston

My posture is terrible and has been for as long as I can really remember. (At least my whole adult life) My question is does anyone know of ways to improve posture? I...


Wii Fit What's All the Hype?!

A.F. asks from Detroit

I recently purchased a Wii Fit Plus and wanted feedback from those of you who have and/or are using it. Pros/Cons, has it worked for you (loosing weight), what have ...


Anyone Also Getting an Increasing Abdominal Girth?

N.D. asks from Chicago

For the last 1 year, my abdomen has been getting more bigger and bigger. Before childbirth I never had this problem. I have severely cut back on eating out, and the r...


My Self Esteem Is Suffering!

K.F. asks from New York

I had my son about 8 months ago via c-section. As soon as I got the ok by my dr i couldnt run fast enough towards the gym....ive been working hard and trying to get b...


Tummy Tuck...

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Ok so im 30 yrs old with 3 children, and i can't seem to loose my baby fat, i watch what i eat exercise regularly, and nothing.. I'm comftorble with the rest of my bo...


Ok girls..another "Losing the Belly" Question(sorry)

3.B. asks from Huntington

Ok, so I know I am easily discouraged. But it seems like losing this flabby baby belly is never going to happen. We got a treadmill, I started running about 6 weeks o...

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Answer Highlights

  • make sure you do your research in 2 answers "... do think a tummy tuck is your only option then make sure you do your research ..."
  • stretch marks are scars in 2 answers "... are going to be and for your stretch marks to fade. Stretch marks are scars ..."
  • strengthen your core in 2 answers "Two suggestions - strengthen your core (not just abs, but the whole middle) with planks ..."
  • need fewer calories in 2 answers "... any miracle cures, and metabolism does slow with age so you need fewer calories ..."
  • think a tummy tuck in 2 answers "I just don't think a tummy tuck is worth it without giving something less extreme ..."