ab exercises

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Results 161-170 from 299 articles

Back to Normal Weight but Not Loosing the Baby Belly

S.W. asks from Chicago

My baby is 5 months old, and I'm close to getting back to my normal weight (4 lbs to go) thanks to breastfeeding and an active 2 year old! However, my belly doesn't s...


Abdominal Wall Defect

K.K. asks from Appleton

Hi moms! I just went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I have a defect in my abdominal wall. Basically my abs are separated because of my last pregnancy (I...


Swollen Fingers and Sciatic Pain

M.C. asks from La Crosse

I just started going to the gym on Friday. I only do the treadmill right now. I'm trying to let my body get used to exercising again. The problem is my fingers bec...


Diastesis Recti & Hernia

J.M. asks from Washington DC

My OB diagnosed diastesis & hernia at my 8-week post-partum check up. My baby is nearly 11 months old now, I'm still nursing, and I'm still at least 10 lbs from my p...


Belly After Baby

V.D. asks from Washington DC

I had three babies in under 3 years.... and just wondering now it's been almost two years since my last baby. Did any mommies get their tummy any where close to wha...


Can't Get Rid of Belly Fat!

S.L. asks from Madison

Hi ladies, I am frustrated with my weight loss efforts and need some advice. My son is turning 1 at the end of this month and I am still way too heavy for my height....


"Exercising - Beginner Level"

R.B. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Mommies!!! I am looking to start stretching/excercising to lose some weight, and start living a healthier life. I am a SAHM of two, and do not have extra income t...


Swollen Belly

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

hi you all! i had a hysterectomy last March 2008... leaving the ovaries in. i am 39 yrs old, 4 foot ten and weight 109 lbs (i should be about 100-105) just when i w...


Workout Ideas

B.B. asks from San Francisco

so bathing suit season is upon us, and even though i've lost all the baby weight and then some, my body looks completely different than it did pre-baby. i'd like to ...


Tummy Tucks

E.J. asks from Chicago

I am very concerned with the appearance of my stomach since I have had my children. I am at a healthy BMI and exercise frequently but no matter what I do I feel like ...

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Answer Highlights

  • could fit 4 fingers in 2 answers "... I never had a formal diagnosis, but after my son was born, I could fit 4 fingers ..."
  • starvation mode in 3 answers "I think the responder below who talked about starvation mode is right!"
  • do you keep your hands in 2 answers "If just in your hands, do you keep your hands above your heart while exercising ..."
  • definitely worth a try in 2 answers "... symptoms generally started in again after 5-6 days. It's definitely worth a try!"
  • also do squats in 2 answers "... expensive and really easy to use ( I got mine at Wal-Mart). I also do squats ..."