a quiet night out

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Night Terror or What???

K.P. asks from Boston

My 19 month old has had a fever the last couple of days. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I thought I'd mention it since the possible "night terro...


How to Keep My Kids Quiet When My 5 Month Old Is Sleeping.

S.J. asks from Norfolk

I have a 5 month old who sleeps very lightly during day. What can I do to get my 6 and 7 year old to play a little more quietly when my son takes a nap? The only thin...


Night Terrors

R.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter has recently had a few night terrors (at bedtime and at nap time) i also believe that my 9 month old son may have has a few before. My daughter will be s...


Sleeping Through the Night

C.B. asks from Milwaukee

My son is 7 months old and finally transitioned to his crib about a month and a half ago. Although he now falls asleep relatively easily in the crib, he still contin...


Feeding Through the Night

C.M. asks from Seattle

Hello ladies, I need a bit of a refresher on this... My 6mo granddaughter is sleeping "through" the night, 6-7 hrs, then wants to breastfeed and will generally sleep ...


Fussy at Night

C.W. asks from Kansas City

I have a little angel Megan.She is 5 months old and my 2nd.Her and her sister share a room and the last 3 weeks have been hell.I slept with Megan for 3 months and one...


Waking up at Night

D.D. asks from Phoenix

Hi Moms! My little ball of energy has just started waking up several times during the night. She starts with a little whimper and then goes into a full blown hysteri...


Night Terrors?

A.C. asks from Chicago

Over Labor Day weekend, I took my brother's kids camping with my husband's family. The younger one (2 1/2) "woke" up screaming 3 or 4 times during the night. Only ...


Night Owl?

A.M. asks from Lakeland

I don't know when it started happening or how, but my just turned 4 year old son has been staying up later and later. His bed time has always been 8 (both he and his...


Sleeping at Night

R.J. asks from Tampa

Hello! I wonder if anyone has advice on how to get your child 14 months old to fall asleep on her own. Just put her in the crib, say goodnight and relax??? ...

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Answer Highlights

  • does sound like night terrors in 2 answers "A., Yes, it does sound like Night Terrors."
  • sure he didnt get hurt in 2 answers "... me, BTDT). We would just sit in our son's room to make sure he didn't get hurt ..."
  • having night terrors in 4 answers "I know its a little freaky, but my daughter has been having night terrors since 2 ..."
  • had night terrors in 5 answers "Yes, I had that to me. My son had night terrors for years."
  • back into his mouth in 2 answers "He'll soon learn how to put that binky back into his mouth!! My son doesn't take a ..."