My DD is almost 3 (38inches tall and 34lbs) and is still in a 5 point harness convertible car seat. She's approaching the 35lb mark on it and will need a new one. She...
HI, my son is 4 years old, he'll be 5 at the end of July, he's around 46 lbs. and about 45 inches tall. He's been in a booster seat that has no back, that he just sit...
Boy, these things aren't clear. I'm going to check out my seat and see what it says, but I think my son is ready to be transferred to a booster. He's almost 5.5 years...
I have a 3 year old son who is the size of a 5 year old. We battle at the car seat everytime we try to go out in the car. I was thinking that a booster seat might b...
Hi there.
I've received some flak about this question (not the responses below) and so have removed it. Thank you for your responses, I really appreciate it.
My son has outgrown his forward facing booster seat. He is 40 inches tall and weighs 40 lbs. He just turned 3 last month. I am not sure what kind of carseat to get hi...
My daughter (will be 4 in Jan) is ready to move from her Britax Marathon into a highback booster with a 5 point harness. Are there any out there that start out with ...
I am looking at a new carseat for my daughter since she has reached the 35 lb weight limit of hers. I just realized it was 35 and not 40 yesterday! She is 21 months o...
Ok, so brief background: I don't have any grown children but I do have a mother who, in many ways, acts like my teenage daughter more than my mother. She is fairly fr...
I will be traveling overseas soon with my 4 year old (40 inches, 35 lbs). I am getting conflicting reports about whether or not to use a car seat. I think my son migh...