a bump on my hand

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Results 191-200 from 1,157 articles

Choking or Holding Breath?

L.M. asks from Terre Haute

My 19 month old gave us a pretty good scare the other day when we assume he choked on a sandwich one of the twins left in his reach after lunch 3 Fridays ago. He tur...


Carriage Question- Best Way to Manage Two Kids

L.P. asks from New York

Carriage question. I have a 2.5 going on 3 year old. He is 41 pounds. I have another baby coming this December. I currently own 1. two regular (single) Peg ...


A Baking Question

B.C. asks from Joplin

Is there a secret to getting cakes to rise evenly and not be puffed up in the middle ( more dome shaped?) Or do all Bakers just trim and shave off part of the top o...


Trampoline Tips So What Happened Added

L.M. asks from Boise

Hi, everyone! So, we've decided the kids are old enough for a trampoline. We're going to get one this evening and it will have the enclosure/net for safety. Wh...


When Does Being Protective Become over Protective?

A.N. asks from Chicago

I am a first time mom and I've been constantly told that I am over protective when it comes to my son. I have also worked in daycare centers for 8 yrs and witnessed f...


Words You Just Can't Stand...

D.S. asks from Fort Walton Beach

Another question got me to thinking about words I just can't stand. Mostly is has to do with weird associations in my brain that may or may not make sense to others! ...


I HATE Being Pregnant.

S.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I am 16 weeks pregnant with my third child. I feel so lucky to be able to bring a child into this world especially since child #2 took 5 years but here's the problem...


Mom That Needs Some Help and Understanding

G.R. asks from Dallas

Let me apologize in advance for how long this will be and I hope I don’t sound crazy. I’m wondering if anyone else has had experience with this or can give me so...


Does Your Child Get Fever Blisters (Cold Sores)?

L.Z. asks from Dallas

My 14 month old woke up on Sunday with a red spot on her upper lip. DH and I were distraught thinking it was a fever blister. I took her to the dr, and the dr said it...


Banging Head Against High Chair

P.J. asks from Chicago

My 10 mos old son bangs his head against his high chair during feedings. He'll do it while we're feeding him or while he's sitting there waiting for us. It doesn't h...

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