a bump on my hand

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What Is the Worst/scariest Thing That Has Happened to Your Child?

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In the past few weeks, my daughter has been getting herself hurt frequently. Just two weeks ago, she fell backwards in the bathroom for no reason (dry floor, no sock...


Help! Anyone Love Thier Stroller? How Do You Pick?

D.P. asks from San Francisco

And I thought having the baby would be the hard part! I had an easier time picking my last car than a stroller! I am pregnant and overwhelmed! I want something that w...


Successful Move for Newly Blind Dog?! : (

J.T. asks from Dallas

My healthy nine-year-old Shih Tzu recently became blind. The vet believes it was caused by SARDS. Anyway, we are getting used to it. He doesn't seem too depressed ...


3 Year Old Scared of "Sounds"

K.H. asks from Austin

My 3 and a half year old son has recently become scared of all things that go 'bump' but not just in the night. This is really a challenge for us because we live in a...


Does This Sound like Growing Pains?

A.J. asks from Williamsport

My 4 year old son sometimes complains about his legs hurting. Lately it's been one in particular. The other night it was really bugging him and he cried all during ...


Ever Have "Just One of Those Days?

A.G. asks from Houston

Yesterday i discovered what acid reflux is after a night of throwing up(dont really know why)....i was blech allllllll day. Then my daughters and i went to the park a...


Itchy Swollen Ear, Only on the Top Though

C.S. asks from Richmond

Eeer, so I'm a teen and no I'm not a mom.. but I figured I could get mommys to answer my question. I woke up in bed Thursday, with my right ear itchy. But I paid no m...


Dealing with Kids Who Aren't Mine

M.S. asks from Minneapolis

I was just at the park with my toddler. She was swinging in the toddler swing and a big kid was swinging in a big kid swing, with one other toddler swing in between ...


What Does Your House Look like When You're Sick?

R.J. asks from Seattle

I'm reevaluating 'normal' these days. I spent 2 weeks getting my house inspection ready, and then 103 degree fevers (my son and I were both sick as dogs) and just...


Root Canal for 5 Year Old

L.B. asks from Washington DC

My family lives overseas. Our dental and medical needs are limited here. My husband took my daughter to the dentist today because she had a blister type bump on the...

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