Ok, to make a long story short, my daughter had a seizure in August. It lasted over 20 minutes, we were taken by ambulance to Children's. The Drs there could not de...
My daughter has had two natural childbirths. Her third baby was due on Thanksgiving and the doctor wants to "induce her". What are your experiences with this?
After getting several recommendations for a particular doctor in our area, I called his office today and found out that he doesn't deal with ADHD patients at all. Ha...
My daughter has been to the Doctor and they are ordering an MRI. My question is more to see if some had a simaliar experience. I will keep you informed, but thanks ...
pain gets so bad that I cant walk or stand and I have been to a doctor and all they give me is pain killers and send me home. Dose anyone have a clue what could be g...
I was not liking my Pediatricians office that well and today was the final straw. My son, who is nine weeks, was due for his two month shots. I had an 11:15 appoint...
I have a 1 month old, and I've been going through depression. I know that it is common for this to happen. I have a doctor appointment on Jan 4, I don't want to talk ...
Please forgive me for the length of this but I'm so worried about my little girl. She's six years old and on Wednesday I took her to the pediatrician because she'd be...
I'm looking to hear from people who have experienced an ocular migraine. What were your symptoms? How often do you get them? Has your doctor prescribed a specific med...