Is there a kid's bike with pedals that I can attach to my mountain bike and pull, but which can also function as a bike on its own once my son learns to ride a bike w...
My daughter is 3.5 years old. She has learned to pedal a trike and has been asking for a bike. We are hoping to get her a used bike to start off with, any suggestions...
Hello~ I am looking for any referrals on bike trailers or carriers? Which one does everyone think is better? Any certain model the best? Thank you for helping with...
Do I show my 3 yr old son the special bike we bought for him once he finally poops on the potty or keep it hidden until he does the deed? Will showing him, but not l...
I am unsure if a trailor pulled behind my bike or a seat that attaches to the back of the bike would be the best for my 1 year old this summer? A seat would be easie...
The title says it all, but here are the details...
My six and a half year old daughter needs (in my opinion) to learn how to ride her bike. We bike a LOT as a fam...
Over the weekend my daughter left her bike out in our yard. While we were not home, a neighbor kid came into the yard, got on her bike, rode it down our driveway, got...
I want to get a bike seat for Father's Day for my son to go on bike rides with us. I looked on Consumer Reports and didn't see any reviews! Does anyone have a recom...