Where we live, the only area to ride a bike is our turn around drive way. That said, my 8 year old can't ride his bike without training wheels. He relys on the too m...
Our 3 year old was measured for a 16 inch bike and he is certainly ready! Even though funds are tight, I'm willing to make an investment in something that is well co...
I am looking for ways to help encourage my six year old to feel comfortable riding her bike. She is very scared she will fall off. She has gone for rides in the past ...
My son is almost 18 months old and with the weather finally turning nice I would like to start riding my bike. My son is too big for the type of seat that would moun...
My husband and I just bought new bikes and now need a bike trailer for our 2 year old daughter. We'd like to keep the cost under $300 if possible. Any suggesti...
We are buying our daughter a bike for her 3rd birthday. I just started looking at bike helmets and realized that this is a big decision (it protects her brai...
I'm asking for a bike trailer for my upcoming birthday. I'd like to get one for two little ones, and was wondering which ones are best? Please let me know which one...
So we bought my son a Wee balance bike from Walmart for only 20 bucks last spring, when he was about 26 months old. He had just figured out how to pedal a tricycle an...
My 5 year old grandson can not push the bike pedal, when he went for ocupational therapy they had an attachmedt on the pedal that the front of his foot would slide in...
My daughters, 5 and 7, MUST learn to ride their bikes this summer without the training wheels. We have a new larger bike for the 7 year old, and the 5 year old can m...