a big tree

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JFF - Angel or Star?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

What do you top your tree with? I have the angel that I grew up with and also a star. I prefer the angel, but this year I gave in and let the kids pick the star. E...


Presents from Santa

C.Z. asks from Chicago

Just curious... Do you wrap the gifts from Santa and place them under your tree for your kids to open on Christmas Morning? OR Do you take all of the toys out ...


This One Is About Me

N.S. asks from Bangor

Help, I have little zit like bumps all over my head. It iches like crazy. Nothing seems to help, I have tried dandriff shampoo, tea tree oil shampoo, just changing ...


Christmas ?

M.Z. asks from Los Angeles

Hi! I have 3 young kids...oldest is 4 so just getting into Santa, etc. Just curious as to when you put Christmas presents under the tree? Do you put them under as so...


Toddlers and Christmas Trees

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

I'd really like to get a tree this Christmas but my 17 month old is very..erm..hands on with everything. He'll walk around and shake our floor lamps for example beca...


Little Hands at Christmas Time

R.C. asks from Sacramento

Okay here goes, my first request for advise. My son is now 18 months old and gets into everything. Normally this is not a problem, as the house has been childproofe...


Santa Tradition Debate…HELP!

E.L. asks from Dallas

OK Ladies, I need your help, my husband and I have very different ideas about Santa and how the gift giving tradition works. When I was little, all of the gifts ...


Non-religious Christmas Traditions

A.C. asks from Columbus

Any recs on Christmas traditions or for books for a toddler that are non-religious but Christmas orients? For example, we want to have a Christmas tree but we won't b...


Gift for Classroom Teacher

A.A. asks from Albuquerque

My kiddo is in kindergarten, I am the room mom and I am hoping to get parents to contribute gift cards in any amount to various stores and restaurants as part of the ...


Christmas Holiday Traditions

S.B. asks from Dallas

What traditions do you do each year for Christmas with your kids? I have a 3yr old and we're starting to get into the tradition of making christmas dough ornaments fo...

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