a better job

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T.S. asks from Lima

Ok got a tough one here. My hubby and I have three kids ages 4, 2 and 18 months. Our 4 year old is getting ready to go to kindergarden this upcoming fall but here's t...


Job Search

S.B. asks from Minneapolis

Since I just quit my job, I've been getting really antsy. I'm not the typr of person to just sit around, I like to move and do stuff. My mom told me if I'm going to...


Would You Quit This Job?

H.T. asks from New York

I think the vast majority of the time, moms say they wouldn't trade all the money in the world for staying home with their child/children. I'm curious if that's a fi...


Job Loss

M.M. asks from New York

My husband just lost his job. The company he was working for was run by a trust in England with an office in the US. Now the company went out of business and they w...


It's Not My Job Syndrome

D.S. asks from Chicago

My son has a dedicated table at school because he has severe food allergies. Usually someone puts a sign on his table (before lunch) that states his table is peanut/...


SAHM Or Job?

A.E. asks from Minneapolis

I was a SAHM for the first year of my son's life. It was wonderful. This summer I agreed to a part time seasonal job for the city. This job is what I went to colle...


Finding a Job

R.P. asks from Detroit

Hello, everyone! This isn't about kids but I have a question none the less and i'm sure you wonderful women will have good suggestions! My brother has recently lost h...


Leaving Job

M.W. asks from Boston

Hello Mamas, So I am very excited to start a new job in a different town. There is more opportunity for me and hopefully less drama!!! My question is, how would you ...


Job Conundrum

✤.J. asks from Dover

I have a full-time job. For the moment. Theoretically it's supposed to last another full year, but could potentially end any day due to governmental budget cuts. A...


A Real Job?

L.N. asks from Grand Forks

I was a CNA( nursing asst) in a nuresning home until the end of last sept. I would have people calling you on everyday off you have and want you to come in to work, i...

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