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Results 181-190 from 44,798 articles

How Do You Balance Your Job and Sick Kids?

S.M. asks from Dallas

Is every job as stringent as mine as far as missing work to stay home with sick kids and things of that nature? My job is hourly so if I am not there and I run out of...


Pregnant and Interviewing for a Job

L.J. asks from Cincinnati

I think my Subject pretty much says it all. But anyways I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and I am looking for a job. I am currently working and for the most part I li...


Job Advice: Am I Too Sensitive?

A.W. asks from Washington DC

I ended up staying with the job that I had originally posted my question about. My boss, the owner, has a very hot and cold personality. She’s very dismissive and r...


Quit My Job and Stay Home or Not?

J.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas, I've asked about staying home in the past and I'm STILL undecided. I just came back from maternity leave 2 weeks ago. It's so hard leaving my 14 week old...


I Want to Quit My Job

S.B. asks from Hartford

I have two children that are 2 and 5 and work two days a week part time. i work two ten hour days but they end up being longer when factoring in my commute. Current...


Advice About Job and Son...

E.B. asks from Minneapolis

Okay, I love my job (I am a nanny) and I greatly appreciate the fact that I can bring my 4 month old son along. Well, the little one I nanny for (2 1/2) gets no dici...


Resenting My Husband for His Job

A.U. asks from Los Angeles

My problem is not a new one... in fact it's one that women have been facing for years. I know there isn't a "solution" but maybe you moms that have been in a similar ...


Divorce, Job, Help :)

A.B. asks from Chicago

Ladies, I need your help. Today my divorce is final, It wasn't really something that I wanted, I grew up in a single parent household, and swore I would never put my...


Quitting F/T Job...

T.W. asks from Lexington

I used to be a SAHM for 2.5 years when my boys were very small- from the time that my oldest son was born until my youngest son was 6 mos old. I have been working F/T...


"Leaving a Job -To Be Home with Little One"

V.H. asks from Columbia

What should I tell my job before leaving?

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Answer Highlights

  • gave you a good review and a raise in 2 answers "... not about you at all, especially since she gave you a good review AND a raise."
  • lighten your load in 2 answers "Even having a cleaning service that comes in once a week would lighten your load."
  • check out your local in 2 answers "... you still might have your moments as we all do. :) Check out your local ..."
  • flies off the handle in 2 answers "How do you work with someone who flies off the handle?"
  • lots of ways to save in 2 answers "... meals at work, unless you are already brown bagging. There lots of ways to save."