I'm looking for a book written for toddler-aged children about the arrival of a new baby or about being a big brother/sister. I'm sure such books must exist, but I h...
I'm a new Mom of a 4 1/2 month baby boy who doesn't like to sleep! I turned to the book "Babywise" for some advice. The book says you should get your baby into a rout...
My oldest son and I have been reading The Magic Treehouse series. I love them. He loves them. It's great. Though he prefers that I read to him, he can read throug...
My brother-in-law has 3 girls, 10, 8, & 6, and is clueless about what happens to a girls body during pueberty. I know a long time ago I saw a great book that would e...
I don't know if I'll ever do it, but I always think about writing a guide book for Grandparents on what to do and not to do when a grandchild is born. For example, o...
I like to read Goodnight Moon to my 6 month-old before bed and I'm looking for a good book about nap time that I can read before a nap. I like to have a routine and h...
My four year old son will be going to preschool in September and I am trying to find a school years memory book that I can record all of his memories in. I used to b...
I am working on my first Book . Its about Grief and my coping skills . i need ideas as to what else i should include ? i have 2 daughters , victims of MLD . i lost my...
I was thinking about the hundreds of books I have sitting around my home and about how much of a waste it is, but feel bad parting with them. So, I then thought that...
My mom has Alzheimer's. My kids are 5,3 and 4 months, so it's very sad. I've been trying to explain things to my oldest in simple terms. My mom has times where she...