7 month old not crawling

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8 Month Old and Crawling

C.S. asks from Milwaukee

My DD is 8 months and is on track developmentally-except she shows no interest in being on her tummy or crawling. She can and does roll over-she just doesn't want to...



J.H. asks from Houston

How old where your children when they started to crawl?


10 Month Old Not Crawling Yet

K.F. asks from Great Falls

Hello...my 10 month old daughter isn't crawling yet. She actually hates being on her hands and knees. What should I do?



C.B. asks from Springfield

My 10 month old daughter does not crawl yet. I know everyone keeps telling me that she wil eventually. She use to roll over from her belly to back but doesn't do tha...



X.M. asks from St. Louis

I know every baby is different and they reach their milestones at different ages. However, I was just curious and wondering at what month your baby started to crawl. :)



J.P. asks from Orlando

When is the apropriate time for an infant to begin to crawl on his own?? What if he HATES tummy time???


7 Mo. Old Baby Not Showing Any Interest in Crawling

S.B. asks from Seattle

My 7 mo. old, Marissa, is a bright, happy baby who smiles all the time. However, I feel that her motor skills are behind. She can roll from her tummy to her back, but...


9-Month-old Who Isn't Crawling

M.T. asks from Springfield

Hi. I have son who turned 9 months old last Friday and he isn't crawling yet. I am not too concerned about it but at his 9-month check-up the doctor seemed a littl...


7 Month Old Crawling Milestone Development and Sleep Regression Help :)

C.R. asks from Cincinnati

My Sweet 7 month old baby boy just started crawling last week and with that great milestone came the sleep regression. He's been a Fantastic sleeper for a few months ...


9 Month Old Not Crawling Yet

J.F. asks from San Diego

Hello all, My daughter is still not crawling and she is 9 months old. I know all children move at their own pace but I just wanted to throw this concern I have ou...

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