5 month old fighting sleep

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Results 51-60 from 2,936 articles

My 19 Month Old Won't Sleep

M.G. asks from Denver

OK. I know it's my fault. I let my son go to sleep with a video. In My bed. Now he won't go to sleep any other way, and usually ends up sleeping in our bed with us. M...


8 Month Old Is Addicted to Her Pacifier for Sleep

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

I need to get rid of the pacifier. It is killing me. I have an 8 month old who knew how to self soothe herself at 4 months. She was sleeping through the night becau...


14 Month Old Who Rarely Seems to Sleep

C.S. asks from Los Angeles

I am hoping that I will get some good advice on this. My 14 month old daughter just doesn't seem to need much sleep. I try to get her to take two naps a day. She will...


Dealing with 2.5 Year Old Fighting Bedtime

J.G. asks from Chicago

I know it's normal. I know it's a developmental period, and I know 2 year olds are just too busy for certain things, sleep included. I also know that it is a phase t...


9 Month Old Who Will Not Sleep Through the Night

S.P. asks from Boston

My 9 month old daughter continues to wake every 4hrs or so during the night to nurse. She is eatting solid foods and is big (25lbs) so I don't think she needs the ni...


Toddler Won't Sleep - Fighting Naps, Waking at Night, Early Morning Rising

J.L. asks from Harrisburg

My 22 month old toddler has often had intermittent napping difficulties but always reliably slept at night. But now she has been an absolute terror for the past coup...


10 Month Old Fights Sleep .. Any Suggestions??

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

My 10 month old hates to sleep; he fights naps and bedtime every night. If I hold him sometimes he will evenully fall asleep but this takes 1 to 2 hours to work. I ha...


Three and a Half and Fighting Me, Suggestions?

L.W. asks from Boston

So- my son is three and a half and fighting me on everything. You name it and he says "no". He actually laughs at me and smiles, mimicks me talking to him when repr...


27 Month Old Son Fighting Naps

M.N. asks from Los Angeles

I recently transitioned my son into a toddler bed because he was climbing out of the crib. Now we're trying to adjust to the bed and he's popping out of it constantl...


4 Month Old Won't Sleep or Let Me Put Her Down

K.H. asks from Austin

I have a 4 month old daughter, and I can't put her down. Every time I put her down she screams. I give her toys to keep her entertained but nothing helps! She also wi...

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Answer Highlights

  • no cry sleep solution in 2 answers "Get the "no cry sleep solution" as mentioned, it takes a little more time from the ..."
  • sleep begets sleep in 2 answers "part with our 2nd son who was very resistant to going down. "Sleep begets sleep ..."
  • sleep in his own room in 2 answers "I would really try to make him sleep in his own room."
  • healthy sleep habits in 2 answers "... kids, I couldn't agree more with the reply to get the book "Healthy Sleep Habits ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 2 answers "Just like others said, read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child."