5 month old fighting sleep

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A Good Nights Sleep

S.P. asks from New York

My daughters sleep habits have gone from bad to worse. She is 19 months. We have a great bed time routine. She goes to sleep and then like clockwork at 2AM she wak...


Sleep Away Camp?

R.D. asks from Barnstable

My oldest two daughters are 7 and 6 and have both been begging to go to a sleep away camp after watching The Parent Trap. Personally I feel they are a year or three t...


Husband Is away...to Sleep Train or Not??? I Did It!!

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there, Our 6.5 month old is a great napper, is able to self-soothe, and is currently breastfed and also on solids. Although many breastfed babies her age will s...


No Sleep!!! Please Help!

C.G. asks from Spokane

Where do I begin? I have a 19 month daughter and a 3 month old daughter. And people were not lying when they said we would have our hands full. I'm having a terriabl...


Son Refuses to Sleep

L.W. asks from Scranton

Hi guys. I want to thank you for taking your time out to read this. I am having the worst time getting my son to sleep. I have tried letting him cry it out (which my ...


Help! Can't Get Newborn to Sleep!

J.A. asks from Denver

I have a 6 week old infant that I cannot get to sleep except for a few hours at night. She did fine until she was about 2 weeks old when she developed severe digesti...


26 Month Old Won't Nap

M.M. asks from San Francisco

My 26 month old son has decided he doesn't want to nap anymore. the past week I have been putting him down for his nap and he just talks and fusses a little. I have l...


3/4 Month Old Eating

T.C. asks from Johnson City

Ok my son will be 4 months old on the 3rd, i have been doing things differently with him feeding wise than i did my other 2 due to him not being as hungry, and i dont...


Feeding Solids and Sleep Pattern

J.K. asks from Kansas City

Hi moms. I am hoping for some advice in two areas. I have an almost 9 month old little boy and I am trying to introduce solids, (Besides jar baby food) but I have alw...


Help! I Need Some Sleep!

J.H. asks from Portland

I am so tired! My 14 month old was sleeping through the night until about two weeks ago when he started teething and got sick. Now he is back to waking up 1-2 times...

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