5 month old fighting sleep

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Help My Three Year Old Wont Sleep

G.H. asks from Dallas

my three year old daughter has in the last couple of months started refusing to go to bed in her bed. she will cry for over an hour or sneak into my room to go to be...


Getting Him to Sleep During the Day!

M.C. asks from Tampa

My son is almost 9 months old and he sleeps great at night. Usually goes down between 9 and 10:30pm...it's a little late but we've tried to get him down earlier but h...


Infant Sleep Patterns

C. asks from Charlotte

I don't know which question to ask first. My son has no schedule or natural pattern of sleep what-so-ever. He is 6 weeks old and does not seem to be sleeping well a...


Something Wrong with 3 Year Old's Sleep!!!

A.H. asks from San Francisco

My daughter turned 3 in November last year. She has generally been a pretty good night sleeper and not a very good napper. Until recently, she will nap 3-5 days a wee...


Getting My Daughter to Sleep in Her Crib

B.K. asks from Rapid City

I have a almost 4 month old daughter who has only slept in her swing since birth. I am trying to get her to sleep in her crib and it seems to be almost impossible. My...


Help! Newborn Who Fights Sleep

E.R. asks from Fort Myers

Hi mamas.... I could really use some advice, or at least some new ideas. I have an almost 8 week old son who is really struggling with nighttime sleeping. He usuall...


Getting Kids to Sleep in Their Own Beds!

L.W. asks from Madison

Our kids cannot fall asleep without us next to them and if we get up to leave after they fall asleep in their own beds, they wake up in the middle of the night and sl...


Help with Sleep Transition!

R.K. asks from San Francisco

hi! my alomst-11-month old daughter is upstairs crying right now in her crib. we have slept together for most of her life, and weeks ago i started putting her to be...


Grandparents Sleep with My Daughter

J.J. asks from Houston

My husbands mother and step-dad lets our daughter sleep with them in their bed. She is almost 2 and they need to stop that, I have kind of not cared but have always h...


New Sleep Issues with My 3 Year Old!

C.F. asks from Boston

Here's my problem. My 3 year old "eats" dinner every night. Her version of "eating" is pretty much stating that she's hungry, then pushing her food around on h...

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