5 month old fighting sleep

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My Son Does Not Sleep Through the Night

M.J. asks from Los Angeles

I have an alomst 11 month old son who still wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to eat and has a hard time falling back to sleep on his own. I am still nursin...


Help - My 2 Yr Old Won't Sleep

J.T. asks from Chicago

Good morning. I have a 26 month old and she has always been an amazing sleeper! I started working at a daycare 1 day a week and she woke up the first day after one ...


What to Do with New Baby Who Doesn't Sleep Good?

A.F. asks from Stationed Overseas

Ok I had my baby on April first by emergency c-section. He was in the hospital for a week and three days where I was only in for 5 days. (Mind you I live in South Kor...


Help! How Do I Get My 1 Year Old down to Sleep?

J.L. asks from San Diego

My son is 1 year old and I have always either breastfed him to sleep or given him a bottle to go to sleep. I would love to be able to read him a book at night, then l...


10 Week Old Fights Sleep!

A.M. asks from Sacramento

My daughter will be 10 wks this sat. She has silent reflux disorder but is on prevacid, and now uses soy formula. She has always had a sensitive tummy, tons of gas, b...


My 7 1/2 Month Still Doesn't Sleep Thru the Night - Need Advice!

S.D. asks from Sacramento

My seven 1/2 month old son still does not sleep through the night. He goes to bed aorund 7:30 - 8pm, will wake up around 10pm or 11pm, and scream (which can go on for...


My 13 Mth Old Wants to Sleep in My Bed

M.J. asks from New York

My 13 mth old daughter Kayla used to sleep in her crib straight thru the night since she was 3 mths, that is up until 2 mths ago. I would put her to bed in her c...


Rocking the Baby to Sleep

S.G. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I have a naptime/bedtime routine of singing a song to our 6 month old and then rocking her in our arms for about 5 minutes to get her to sleep as she s...


9 Month Old Wakes 4 or 5 Times a Night~ HELP

R.S. asks from Atlanta

I am in tears writing this I am so desperate and tired. Kira slept from 12-5 from 1- 3 months. Then she has been sick so much I have held her to help her breathe, and...


5 Month Old Now Sleeping in Crib

K.B. asks from Los Angeles

My son has been sleeping is a bassinet and his swing but he is now too big for both. We bought him a really nice and safe crib and he seems to be doing well except f...

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