5 month old and sleep

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Sick 5 Month Old

J.H. asks from Pine Bluff

Hey ladies! i am asking for home remedies or otc medicines safe for my 5 month old - snotty nose, sneezing, phlegm producing coughing - you know "the crud". pour thin...


5 Month to Sleep in Crib

M.C. asks from Houston

The only way we could ever get our daughter to sleep at all was in a car seat. For a while now we've been trying to get her to sleep in her crib. Her pediatrician sai...


5 Month Old Sleeping

T.K. asks from Decatur

A little background - I'm a full time working mother of two boys. The oldest is 3 1/2 and my youngest is 5 months old. They share a bedroom as we live in a tiny 2 b...


5 Month Old Schedule.

S.K. asks from Rockford

My little girl is about 5 1/2 months and I can't seem to get her on a schedule. Every time she seems to be in a pattern for waking, naps, nursing, etc... it gets blo...


5 Month Old Not Sleeping

L.S. asks from Lincoln

I know I put in a request prior to this one about my 5 month old's sleeping habits. We finally got into a bedtime routine of going down between 7:30 p.m. and 8:00 p....


Almost 5 Month Old Will Not Sleep During the Day

M.F. asks from Stockton

Any suggestions would be so helpful. My daughter will be 5 months on the 25th of this month. Here is my problem. She will not takes naps during the day unless I am...


Sleep past 5 Am?

A.W. asks from Minneapolis

My 3yo has always been a great sleeper, bed by 7 up about 6. The 7 month old is a different story. She wakes regularly at night but is up and ready for the day at 5. ...


My 21 Month Old Won't Sleep

C.V. asks from Lincoln

My 21 month old son won't sleep at night or take naps. He may go to sleep between 12 and 3am. If he falls asleep he will wake up then won't go back to sleep. We ar...



H.P. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 5 1/2 year old and 22 month old. I need to have my 22 month old out of my bed and into hers. We have no schedule with this child. She sleeps when she want...


Seperation from 5 Month Old

A.G. asks from Atlanta

So I have never been away from my 5 month old little girl with the exception of maybe a couple of hours at a time. I want to go away for a weekend preferably without ...

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Answer Highlights

  • little noses saline drops in 2 answers "recommended using Little noses saline drops."
  • cry it out method in 4 answers "I don't believe in the cry it out method they are babies, but some things that could ..."
  • healthy sleep habits in 2 answers "I followed the advise of the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book, because I had ..."
  • each nostril in 3 answers "We put one drop in each nostril and then suction her nose and pulls out the snot."
  • otc meds in 3 answers "I think for her age, there aren't really any otc meds that are safe for her."