So my husband and I have been trying for our second child. My period should start on the 19th and I was wondering how soon I can test? I know the test say y...
I had my tubes tied after my 4th child on 8-18-08, since then my period has been consistent every month. It has never been late and as of today it is 9 days late. I d...
In October I was late for my period by about 8 days. I felt like I was crampy and about to start, and just didn't. (It is how I felt my first pregnancy). Took a pr...
Wondering if I could be pregnant? I'm on fertilaid this month and I've been charting my BBT this last month. My period was due yesterday, but my temps are still high....
hello again everyone. heres my problem.... the first day of my last period was April, 29 2007. well for the last week or so, i have been having morning sickness, hea...
I have had a very stressful month. Including an unscheduled cross country move that took place in 3 weeks. Not to mention getting everyone settled in school, husband ...
Hey moms,
Well just wanted to say something to anyone (except family and friends) that my test was negative. ahhhh. feel stressed and sad had a big piece of chocol...
My spouse and I had intercourse 2weeks & 2days ago (to be precise). I have been feeling like I'm pregnant (tired and burping a storm!). I was pregant in December, u...
I am coming up on the timeframe to have the Quad Screen Test done with my second child. I opted out of it on my first son knowing that if he came into this world wit...
I was due for my period on April 10th, so I am now 10 days late. I have ALL of the pregnancy symptoms--extreme exhaustion, headaches, food aversions, sensitivity to ...