my NB is 12 days old and having difficulty doing " # 2" , can you please help me what to do? I did massage her belly but doesnt work, maybe i am doing it wrong or is ...
So I am heading into week 33 and my little peanut is head up. According to my OB, there is abput a 50/50 chance that the baby will turn on its own at this point, but...
I have two friends that are pregnant that have questions I can't help with so I'm turning to you. One is 23 weeks and one is 33 weeks. They are both measuring small...
My doctor and I have decided to schedule a c-section for my delivery.
I have no idea what to expect with a c-section. And I am getting nervous. It’s a week a...
Hi Folks!
I just saw a question about nursing bras and it got me thinking ("a dangerous passtime - I know"). I know the girls get bigger whne pregnant, but are th...
Help!! Has anyone had a breech baby and got it to turn!? I am almost 36 weeks along and I really would like to avoid a c-section. Any advice?
Thank you!!
Hello ladies I am currently 13-14 weeks pregnant not sure my first appt isn't until the 20th. My 12 month old sleeps with us usually if he wakes up earlier then usual...
We just got back form my daughter's 2 year checkup and she's measuring pretty big. She's 36 inches and 36 pounds. Her weight is way off of the growth chart and her he...
I am 36 weeks pregnant and I feel so uncomfortable most of the time. Sleeping, forget it. I cant get a goodnight sleep. I have tried a lot of things but I still dont...
Hi All, I am in my 35 weeks of pregnancy and recently learned thru ultrasound that my baby is in breech position. My doctor suggested to do a version where she will a...