11 year old party

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4 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

M.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms. I am having my son's 4th birthday party a the house. I would like to have a nice party without too much expense. There are 5 friends coming, 2 of them are a...


Pls Help, My 11 Yr Old Is Too Embarassed to Talk to Me About Her Period.

M.Q. asks from Los Angeles

So my 11 yr old started her period about 6 months ago. My mom never took the time to explain to me what would be happening to my body and I was so consufed and embara...


So Stuck on Birthday Party for 5 Year Old.

M.K. asks from Denver

We have never been a family that has had a big birthday party for our kids. Their first birthday was all friends and family. Now that she is 5 she has many friends. ...


11 Month Old - Delay

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

My nephew will be 1 in April. I saw him yesterday and he seems to be closer to how my son was when he was 6 months developmentally, rather than how he was at 11 mont...


What Does a Good 3 Year Old Birthday Party Look Like?

M.F. asks from Austin

My twins are about to turn 3. We haven't had a party for them before and haven't been to many either. This year, we're going to do a party held at a private room in...


3 Year Olds Birthday Party

E.J. asks from San Francisco

I'm planning my daughters third birthday party. Does anyone have any game ideas? I'm renting a JUMPY. But, I think I should have some other activities lined up. I...


3 Yr Old Princess Party

S.N. asks from Chicago

Hi My soon to be three year old only wants a purple princess party with Cinderella. I am looking for suggestions for a reasonably priced venue. The private tea par...


4 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas???

K.S. asks from Houston

Help, I have been going crazy trying to figure out a birthday party for our son who turns 4 on Dec. 2. We have had 2 parties at home (#'s 1 &2) and one party we host...


5 Year Old Birthday Party Questions

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son is turning 5 and I'm planning on doing a Chuck E Cheese party. Since I've never planned a kids bday party before, I'd appreciate some help! My questions: ...


11 Year Old Having Trouble Sleeping

S.K. asks from Dallas

My 11 yr old has this fear of not being able to fall asleep. She fears what if she stays up all night and every night despite of our advise and chats she stays up, ev...

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Answer Highlights

  • pin the tail on the donkey in 3 answers "Pin the tail on the donkey/nose on the clown?"
  • scavenger hunt in 4 answers "I did a scavenger hunt. Instead of just handing out their goodie bags at the end ..."
  • bozo buckets in 2 answers "... son at that age, it was a mini carnival - with little games (i.e. bozo buckets ..."
  • do a small family party in 2 answers "... cost (under $200) OR I will give her the option to do a small family party."
  • 3 4 weeks in advance in 2 answers "I generally send invitations 3-4 weeks in advance."