Xopenex: Albuterol

Results 81-90 from 133 articles

6Mo Son Has Had Congested Cough for Months

C.S. asks from Tulsa

Hi, my now 6 month old son has this congested cough that he has been carrying for a couple months. I've gon through the nebulizer, donatussing, otc remedies, and we ...


1 Year Old with Asthma

M.T. asks from Boston

Hi everyone, My son Evan is 13 months old and has been hospitalized 3 times now in the past 3 months due to asthma. So far it does not seem to be allergy related. ...


Recently Diagnosed with Asthma

M.P. asks from Memphis

I am 35 (36 on the 11th) and I was diagnosed with asthma a year ago. It has been hard to find the right medication for me. Everything makes me sicker because it cla...


Nebulizer and a 3 Year Old

M.S. asks from Saginaw

Hi Moms My son had his 3 year doctor visit. We went in with a few regular questions but thinking our little guy was a very healthy boy. He has had a cough through th...


Asthma or Something Else??

L.C. asks from St. Louis

My 1yo has recently been diagnosed with bronchiolitis - a form of asthma brought on by a recent upper respiratory infection. We have been to the doctor probably 5 or ...


Seeking Pediatrician for Infant Breathing Issues and Snoring

B.D. asks from Dallas

My son has had a persistent cough and wheezing for the last 2 months. He's been treated with prednisone twice and once we get off of it, his problem comes back. Las...


Need Advice on Giving Breathing Treatments

C.C. asks from Dallas

Ok mamas, my sone has asthma and is required to do breathing treatments on a regular basis. He fights my husband and I everytime. Any advice on how to get him to do...


Asmathic Bronchitis

Y.T. asks from Washington DC

I have a soon to be three year old girl who was recently diagnosed with Asmathic Bronchitis. She was given a treatment using two different inhalers (using a mask, sin...


5 Month Old W/ Severe Chest Congestion

Z.A. asks from Raleigh

My 5 month old infant started out having a simple cold and it accelerated to a fever and severe chest congestion. We waited three days till we took her to the doctor....


Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

D.G. asks from Detroit

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. ...