Vitamins & Supplements: Child

Results 51-60 from 3,285 articles

Chewable Prenatal Vitamin?

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I have a terrible time swallowing pills! Before I was pregnant I took the chewable Centrum daily multivitamin. When I found out I was pregnant I bought 2 kinds of pre...


Prenatal Vitamin Problem

R.V. asks from Baton Rouge

I'm recently pregnant again, and prenatal vitamins are making me sick! I'm very lucky to not have any pregnancy symptoms other than lethargy, but since I started tak...


Does Your Child Take Vitamins?

J.G. asks from Canton

My son is 18 months and I forgot to ask my ped at his appointment yesterday--should he be getting vitamins? He eats pretty well (just doesn't like meat a whole lot-p...


Prenatal Vitamin Suggestions?

C.J. asks from Mobile

Hi are all such a wonderful wealth of knowledge. I was standing in the pharmacy today checking out the prenatal vitamins. I asked the pharmacist for help...


Vitamins for a 15 Month Old

L.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello, My daughter eats mostly table food now. I try to feed her a nutritous diet but my mother in law recommended I also give her vitamins. Do other mother's give t...


What Is the Best Time to Take Vitamins?

M.M. asks from Chicago

Is it better to take them in the evening (since your body does all repairs at night and can sort of make use of the vitamins better) or earlier in the morning on empt...


Favorite Prenatal Vitamin??

T.B. asks from Los Angeles

I'm just wondering if any of you have a favorite prenatal vitamin. I'm not pregnant yet, but we're planning to try towards the end of this year....I'm just getting a...


Question About Prenatal Vitamins

B.S. asks from Philadelphia

I've been taking prenatal vitamins that were prescribed by my doctor, but they cost $35 for a month's supply. My insurance company refuses to tell me which brand is t...


Iron Supplements

N.C. asks from Chicago

Hello Mamas! I am looking for some help on getting my 15 month old daughter to take her liquid iron supplement. They were prescribed by her dr at her recent well ...


Anyone Else Suck at Taking Your Prenatal Vitamins?

J.B. asks from Houston

I am the worst I think. With my first I was totally faithful, but I was never sick at all. With my second I was Ok. I didn't take too many for a couple weeks in th...