Vitamins & Supplements: Child

Results 161-170 from 3,285 articles

High Anxiety in Pregnancy

M.D. asks from Fayetteville

Hi, I emailed my friend about this issue and she responded by hooking me up with mamasource. I hope you can help :) I answered some questions myself 1st so I'd buil...


Advice on Pregnancy and Motherhood

N.S. asks from Hartford

Okay I have found myself unexpectedly pregant. I am happy about this and was planning on another child but it happened MUCH earlier than expected. I have always had...


Emergen-C & Pregnancy

N.O. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, So far my Hubby and 2 yr old have come down with some nasty 48 hr stomach bug and I feel I'm destined to get it! Well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and t...


Baby Vitamins for Breastfeeding 9 Week Old

M.E. asks from Philadelphia

My son is 9 weeks old and exclusively breastfeeding. With my first child, I didn't know you were "supposed to" give vitamins this young. (And he didn't appear to have...


Pregnancy Symptoms

S.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamas, I'm about 10 weeks pregnant with my second child. It is a wonderful blessing to be pregnant again; however, my body is a total wreck! I have horrible m...


5 Year Old Constipated

K.C. asks from Providence

Hi everyone I'm writing for the benefit of a family member whose daughter only makes a bowel movement about every 8 days. She has tried miralax and other laxatives w...


Questionable "Suggested Weight Gain" for Pregnancy...

A.N. asks from Portland

Ok, here's my problem. I have just found out that I am pregnant with our second child. I'm 5'11 and weigh 215 lbs. Obviously a bit on the heavier side... My proble...


What Are the Chances of a Healthy Pregnancy If You Have Had an IUD for 4 Years?

T.R. asks from Dallas

My friend has taken 2 pregnancy tests that say she’s pregnant. She’s had an IUD for 4 yrs; she made a doctor appointment for next week. What are the chances of a ...


Pregnancy Nausea (All Day "Morning" Sickness)

D.A. asks from Minneapolis

I would like to know if anyone has any serious remedies for pregnancy-induced nausea. I am one of those people that get sick all day long for at least 4 months- and ...


Trying to Plan for Pregnancy Number 2

C.B. asks from Dallas

Hey Moms, We are planning on trying to get pregnant again soon. I am trying to prepare my body and mind for a 2nd pregnancy. I went into the first pregnancy at a...