My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My 3 weeks old boy baby does not sleep most of the time. He hardly sleeps both during day and night. He feels sleepy but wakes himself up after taking few min...
My baby is 1 month and 2 weeks she sleeps good at night but during the day she seems uncomfortable if i put her on her glider swing or bed, she wants to be held all t...
Please help!!! I have a baby girl she is 11 months about to be 1 on Sept. 6. and she is underweight. She weighs 13pounds. She has been 13 pounds for since 10 months. ...
Hi everyone... I'm writing this for my sister... She has a 4 month old boy who is VERY colicky! She has changed his formula several times. He is eating about 6-7 oz e...
Does anyone have any advice on colick? My son has been experiencing this lately. I breastfeed and bottle feed him and he was experiencing some reflux. Then I heard ...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
So, i am at my wits end here. Hope someone can help me out. I have a 10 week old boy who spits up a lot after every feed. I have tried different nipples, my breast...
I need advice what to do with my caholic son (turning three months)!!! He cries when he passes gas, too among other things! The doctor told me that i have to wait it...