My daughter just turned 10 months old. She still loves having formula, moreso than baby food. She has started eating the Gerber Puffs and bite-sized steamed carrots...
My daughter is in the bottom 5% of her weight and she was doing great with her eating habits until we moved her to stage 3 foods. She was eating 5 jars of stage 2 fo...
I have twin nine month old boys that are incredibly picky. In the past week they have become the pickiest kids I know. They refuse to eat anything unless it's bread...
Hello everyone - this is my 3rd post. Everyone has been such a big help on my other 2 postings that I thought I'd ask another question :-) So, I've started trying t...
Hey guys! I recently posted a question on here, and everyone was so helpful, I thought i'd ask another one!
My 1 1/2 year old daughter does not eat very healthy. Wh...
I have an eight month old daughter. First of all, by the standard growth chart, she's about 2 lbs underweight (as in, off the charts) and the pediatrician makes SURE...
I know all babies come in different shapes and sizes. But, I'd feel better if my daughter was within a healthier weight range for her age. My daughter is seven mont...
My son just turned 4 months old. My doctor told me that I can introduce cereal to his diet any time. He has never had anything but breast milk up to now. I've hear...
My 10 month old has never been a great eater because he refluxes and aspirates but lately he has decided he just DOES NOT WANT his bottles anymore. He will drink a s...
my 19 month old never seems to eat enough. she will want to eat, but she'll only eat a few bites before she's done. i'm concerned she's not getting enough nutrition.....