Traveling by Car: Toddler, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 74 articles

Bottle Warmer for the Car

L.B. asks from San Francisco

Has anyone used one of these that they like? My son is 4 mos. old now, and we are getting out more and I'd like to have a portable bottle warmer for the car. However,...


Adopting a Boy - What to Register for an (18 Month Old) Baby Shower

W.M. asks from Dallas

My husband will have the son we've been praying for in two months. Some friends from our church are wanting to throw us a shower - can you give me an idea of the "mus...


19 Month Old Daughter Refusing to Sit in Grocery Cart.

M.H. asks from Dallas

Hi fellow moms! I have a 19 month old daughter who has in the past few weeks refused to sit down in the grocery cart at the store. When I put her in she immediately s...


Car Trip and 22 Mo Old

M.P. asks from Green Bay

My husband and I are driving to FL (live in WI) in April. Our son will be 22 months at the time. Any car trip experienced moms have any tips for making the drive mo...


Flight to Europe with 15 Month Old

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hey moms! Traveling to Europe with my 15 month old. Any advice for the flight or how to deal with jet lag? And how much to travel with in terms of food? Car seat?...


Worried About Weaning at 1 Year

M.P. asks from New York

Hello moms. My daughter will be 10 months old next week and I'm planning to wean her at one year. She has been strictly breastfed (she never liked formula!). She sta...


Any Good Tips for Mommy and Toddler First Airplane Ride

A.G. asks from Sarasota

I am going to be moving back home(arizona)and need any advice that I can get for flying with a toddler and being pregant. Can anyone help??


Help! My 4 Month Old HATES His Carseat!!

M.S. asks from Seattle

Hey all. I am a first time mother of a great 4 month old! Of course I am bias but he really is awesome. He has slept through the night since about 2 weeks, eats gr...


Traveling to Europe with 11 Month Old

J.S. asks from Chicago

Does anyone have advice for traveling overseas with an 11 month old? My husband and I are planning to take our daughter to Paris then to Prague for my cousins weddin...


Re: Best Strollers, High Chairs, Infant Car Seats

D.S. asks from Houston

Could anyone recommend the best and most affordable travel systems on the market? I also need a highchair any and all recommendations are welcomed.