Toy Trains: Teen

Results 151-160 from 276 articles

Seven-year-old Still Wetting His Pants

T.M. asks from Wichita

Our soon to turn seven-year-old son has a urine accident at least five to seven times a week. It's never at night; primarily it's when he's playing and doesn't allow ...


Son with Anxiety at School

C.R. asks from Harrisburg

My son is turning 4 this month. He was going to the same school/daycare since he was one year old. He was always well-behaved at school and happy over the years. T...


What Made (Or Would Have) Your Life Easier?

S.F. asks from Utica

So my second baby is due in 7 short weeks and I am desparetly trying to make life easier by being as prepared as we can be for when she arrives. I remember just how ...


Seeking Ideas on Study Skills

L.F. asks from Atlanta

Ok ladies - I need your creative ideas. My 7yo dtr is in 1st grade. She has recently taken to rushing through her work making it sloppy, passing over complete areas...


My Little Liar

K.S. asks from Tampa

My oldest son, who recently turned 11, is a liar. He lies about everything, even when it is not necessary. He has been doing it for about 2 years, but recently it is ...


What Are the Signs of Autism, or Sensory Perception Disorder?

L.A. asks from Redding

What are the most common signs to look for for autism or sensory perception disorder? I worry about just turning three year old son. He wakes up poorly; often senstiv...


What Happened to My Sweet 2 1/2 Year Old???

C.A. asks from Denver

I am not sure what to do. My sweet but headstrong (like her mother) daughter is now pushing and acting out. Time outs used to work but they don't seem to be anymore...


When Do They Give up Their Lovies??

V.M. asks from Cleveland

I was going to ask this question today even before i read the My Little Pony back pack post. My Ds went to a sleep over last month with his lovey bear, like a small...


Need Input on 5 Year Old's Behavior

J.L. asks from Houston

Our 5 year old son is very strong willed and I can appreciate that but he seems to be more defiant the older he gets. He will scream "NO" or whatever else at myself o...


Getting My Preschooler to Go to Bed!

P.O. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are really having problems with are 3 y/o refusing to go to bed and once we do get her there she will not stay in it all night. She has been in a tod...