first tooth fall out? DD turned 6 last month & she has one that's loose but still has a way to go before falling out. I'm interested to see the age range. :-)
So, my daughter just asked her dad if there was really an Easter Bunny and, long story short, the whole house of cards came falling down -- Easter Bunny, Santa, Tooth...
Hubby and I debate about this all the time so I wanted an outside opinion. I believe a lie is a lie is a lie. So with that being said, I rather not tell my son about...
my daughter is 2 1/2years she had decayed teeth @ 6 months old so @ 2 years the dentist said she needed to extract 1 front tooth & do root canal & crowns on her other...
My newly 8 Year old daughter has a loose tooth (not the first one) and as we were talking about it the other day she said she was going to leave a note with the tooth...
I need to get my son, who is mildly Autistic, to a dentist. He is having issues with losing his teeth. He DOES NOT want them to come out and he could care less abou...
Out of nowhere pops this "growth" on my daughters gum. Came on mamasource and found a dentist to go to. Dr Creach? at Pediatric Dental Specialists (Elliot/101) He ...
Help! One of my two year old's front tooth is a dark grayish color. How would i clean that off? And why is this occuring. I brush my son's teeth 2 times a day. I've s...
My question is when do you tell your kids the truth about Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc.? And what if they find out by accident? What is the ...
My 7-year-old daughter came home from 2nd grade the other day after losing a tooth and asked if the tooth fairy was real. I said yes. Then she asked if Santa was re...