Toddler: Desitin

Results 31-40 from 968 articles

19 Month Old - Rash on Face

R.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 19 month old son has had a rash on his face for about 6 weeks now. We've tried Mustela face wash, Aquafor, and even a fungal creme when our pediatrican thought it...


14 Month Old with Diarrhea

M.J. asks from Seattle

My daughter came down with the stomach flu just a little over a week ago and has had diarrhea lingering now for 8 days. I've seen the doctor and they recommended giv...


8 Month Old Spit Up

M.S. asks from Wichita

Has anyone else had a baby with a milk allergy? This is totally based off of internet research (I know - totally not reliable all the time) but it's the weekend and I...


Chafing Legs on a 20 Month Old

C.M. asks from St. Louis

Mamas- My beautiful, rowdy son has horrible chafing on the inside of his side almost looks like the skin is burned...he had diahrrea four times in a one ...


8 Month Old with Diarrhea

P.M. asks from Portland

My son has had diarrhea for over 24 hours and, while I am not concerned about his hydration or anything like that, his bottom has a horrible rash. His scrotum is even...


10 Month Old Daughter Has Yeast Infection

D.K. asks from Los Angeles

I am absolutely uphauled! I took Maddie to the doctor on Tues and she has a yeast infection....she was red from the bottom of her tummy to the bum. She was raw. An...


9 Month Old with Rotovirus

D.W. asks from Madison

My nine month old son tested positve for the Rotovirus. He started last Thursday with the diarrhea and vomiting. We spent Sunday night in the hospital because he be...


3 Month Old Teething??

M.B. asks from St. Louis

My baby will be 3 months old next Friday. This week he has been kinda drooling and slobbering and a little more fussy than usual. I "think" I feel something coming ...


My 3 Month Old Skin

M.A. asks from Seattle

I have notice a rash-like problem around my babys neck, and I dry spots on his back and chest, I would like to know what can i put on it to help it heal. I put vasli...


Diarrhea in 4 Month Old

E.W. asks from San Diego

My 4 month old has had really bad diarrhea for the last 2 days. And of course he has a diaper rash to go with it. I have a call into my Dr. but she doesn't seem in a ...