Hi, I've read the responses to someone else's previous request on a 10.5 month old crying and screaming. They were great and helpful to me! But I want to get a litt...
My daughter has always had feeding issues. She has always had a smaller appetite. Right now, she drinks about 24 ounces in a 24 hour period, if we are lucky (she drin...
O.k, today I put on Barney while my child was in her swing .I have never seen her so smiley and moving and kicking. so I let her watch another show that came on after...
My baby is waking up MOST nights every 2-3 hours because he is getting frustrated when he wakes up on his belly because he doesn't have the room to roll back like he ...
Help? He goes to bed in his crib fine, however he wakes up through out the night, often once to twice an hour. He immediately cries out -- most of the time, he'll g...
My son is 8 1/2 mo/old. perfect in every way, crawling standing and even trying to take a few steps! He has 4 teeth, is still really happy and laughs and smiles all t...
My daughter is 6-months-old. She has been eating cereal and fruits and tolerating them very well. She also gets some formula, but nurses morning and night. For the pa...
I have a 2 1/2 month old son. In a couple of weeks my husband, the baby and I will be traveling by plane to California. It is a 3 1/2 hour flight. Other than tryin...
Aside from fruits, veggies, meats, what can I feed him???? He hates eggs, always has. He's not big on fruit and veggies either. Never really had a liking to fruit, th...
my friend has a 8 1/2 month old daughter that is giving her horrible problems at night. she tends to fight her afternoon nap and then is super tired by 5:30-6pm. so...